It's daffodil season at this sprawling gardens outside Hot Springs, Arkansas.
I had the distinct pleasure of visiting Garvan Woodland Gardens at the onset of spring, viewing what seemed like endless rolling hills of daffodils and other spring flowers such as crocus and hyacinths. I’m a daffodil fan but I’ve been told that the tulips at the gardens outside Hot Springs, Ark., are a sight to see as well.
Garvan Woodland Gardens offers its annual Daffodil Days through March, showcasing more than 150,000 Dutch tulips, in addition to other spring annuals and azaleas in bloom. Admission is $20 for adults, $10 for ages 4-12 and tykes 3 and under are admitted free. Check the website for hours of operations and remember that dates will be revised depending upon bloom time.
Here are photos from a past year...
On another visit, I was there when the azaleas were blooming, along with tuplips, and boy was that amazing. Spring means lots and lots of color at Garvan! Don't miss out and get there before the end of March.

Weird, Wacky & Wild South is written by travel writer Cheré Dastugue Coen who always breaks for nature's best.