There's lots to see and do at the world's busiest airport.

I've moved around so much in my lifetime, there's not one place I can attribute many years to — except maybe the Atlanta Airport. I've been through this transportation hub in the heart of Georgia so many times they hand me my mail when I arrive.
The Hartsfield-Jackson Airport has been ranked the world's busiest airport. The old joke used to be that when you go to heaven you must first change planes in Atlanta.
What's weird about this post is that I enjoy visiting my second home with its eight terminals and 300 dining and shopping establishments. I know where the good restaurants are (PF Chang's is on Concourse A, Paschal's famous restaurant out of Atlanta Concourse B and Savannah's Candy Kitchen serves up the best pralines!), where to find the best reading material (lots of bookstores), where to sit and enjoy TV in comfort and relative silence (not always easy) — you name it. And if I have a long layover — which may be the case for you this holiday season — I take the opportunity to walk the underground hallways from terminal to terminal.

Between Concourses T and A, there are 20 contemporary stone sculptures from 12 Zimbabwe artists. These sculptures are over-sized and quite beautiful so take your time to savor them.
Between Concourses A and B is a delightful rainforest that's a feast for the senses. There used to be video of birds flying overhead and thunder cracking but I haven't seen that in a long time. Hopefully, that will return.
Between Concourses B and C is the history of Atlanta in panels, photographs, video and more. You can easily spend upwards of an hour reading all about the Southern city from its inception by Native Americans to the Civil War, Civil Rights and beyond.
Around Concourse D, a collection of artwork from some of the city's schoolchildren is on display, including exquisite paintings, drawings and photography from ages as young as six.

So the next time you're killing time in the Hartsfield-Jackson Airport of Atlanta, don't curse your bad luck. Go for a walk and experience some culture.
Want to know more about the airport, including where to eat, find a good book, etc.? Check out their website.

Weird, Wacky & Wild South is written by travel writer Cheré Dastugue Coen who spends a lot of time in the Atlanta Airport. She recommends the chicken and waffles at Sweet Georgia's Juke Joint on Concourse C.